Kai Jie Lo's Profile:
Kai Jie Lo has 1 Published Articles. Profile has been viewed 631 times.
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20 Sin Ming Lane #06-51 Midview City,
65 31591492
Cloud Tech Ventures Pte Ltd (“Cloud Tech”) is a software services company that develop and maintain system applications that help businesses and organizations succeed. Our systems help create competitive advantage through effective and creative use of technology so our client can be a game changer in their respective industry vertical. Through our many years of experience, we have developed and internalized “best practices” for managing our software development lifecycle and accumulated practical “Hands on” experience on implementing and rolling out the systems. We are also change agents that assists our client to overcome various “real world” challenges to adopt and adapt to technology systems and new processes that will streamline or automate their tedious tasks.
Favorite Websites :
Blog : https://www.cloudtech.com.sg/blog/
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